The internets. The frontier of digital endlessness. A place for info, entertainment and things good and bad. Our hope with this blog is to fill it with good. Coach Z (
Brandon Zapien) and I (Brandon Garcia a.k.a.
Coach B) along with my co-owner and beautiful, awesome wife Marka will be attempting to fill this blog with all kinds of good things. Advice, opinions, helpful tips, and sometimes just soapboxes that we enjoy standing on and shouting from to anyone who cares to listen. Our hope is to inspire folks to get off the couch and start chasing their dreams. Chase after better health. Better money management. Better relationships. Better....well, you get the picture. This is the first post of many to come (we hope) and all in an effort to support what we (Marka and I) wanted to do all along; give people the chance and the tools to create an excellent life. I hope you'll follow along, play nice (when comments are allowed) and enjoy the ride that life has to offer, for worse or (hopefully a lot more) better. CrossFit Crossroads was created and named because we believe life is about choices. Every time you make a choice you head down a road (hence crossroads). The question is always, "did I choose the right one?" With any any luck, what we provide in the pages to follow will help guide you toward answering that question with at the very least "I think so" but hopefully with a resounding "Yes!" Here's to trying to inspire more folks to live excellent lives! Get off the couch and start chasing your dreams, we are!
Galatians 6:9 - So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.
Coach B
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