Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Top 3 things You can do to change your life...Seriously.

Everyone loves a list.  For whatever reason we see an article like this and we just can't help ourselves.  This isn't a bait and switch and I'm not peddling anything here.  These are the three things that I see in everyday life that if we all did them, life would be exponentially better.  They are...

2) Set goals...and actually chase them
3) The Golden Rule

Now, let me give you a break down of what I mean by each one.


This one is pretty self explanatory.  There are a lot of folks out there right now saying that sitting is the new smoking (and I don't disagree), but I think this is worse.  Liquid sugars like this in these crazy high doses are straight up lethal.  Seriously.  It is slowly killing millions of Americans everyday.  We know now, for a fact, that fat does not make you fat.  Sugar, especially in such high doses, makes you fat.  Clogs your arteries.  Makes your brain function worse.  We are seeing studies now that are looking at high sugar intake and diabetes and their link to Alzheimer's and Dementia.  Meaning all the added and excess sugar we are eating is causing one of the most cruel diseases know to man.  What's scary is that many of these studies are pointing to the fact that this link is more than just a link...it really is causal, not just correlative.  That means that it's not just coincidence that people who eat high levels of added sugar have Alzheimer's and Dementia, it's actually the high dose sugar that is causing it.  This isn't just soda.  It's all the sugary coffees, energy drinks, "sports" drinks, juices (yeah, they really are not as "healthy"  for you and your kids as they say they are), pastries, candies, etc. that we seemingly cannot keep ourselves from consuming.  The processed food industry adds sugar to nearly everything now.  If it tastes sweeter, you'll eat it more often and they know it.  Liquid sugars like soda are the biggest culprit, and the beverage companies are now lobbying the government to protect their product from studies that say so.  Soda companies know that their product is addictive.  We have studies that show high dose sugar is as addictive as cocaine.  They know this.  They don't care, they want you to keep drinking because they want to stay in business and keep making record profit, even if it kills a few million people in the process.  You want to shed a few pounds?  Have more energy?  Think clearer?  Feel less stressed?  Get all the added sugar out of your diet.  Quit drinking soda (this includes the diet stuff too..but that's a discussion for another post), energy drinks, sugary coffees, and quit eating your kids left over Halloween candy (in fact, throw that crap away).  For the first 10-14 days you'll have withdrawals...like an addict would have.  You'll feel sluggish, irritable, hungry.  But after that you'll be in the clear and you'll feel the rebound.  Try it.  I dare you.  I bet you lose 5 lbs. the first week.

2) Set goals...and actually chase after them.

Again, pretty self explanatory.  But I'm talking out of your comfort zone, seems impossible, but you would almost die to have it goals.  Goals so big they scare the crap out of you.  Take a second.  What is it for you?  I bet you knew as soon as you read it up top.  Do it.  The chase is what makes life worth living on the days when you want to curl up and hide from the world.  But there is a process, you can see some great advice on how to do it in my previous Goal Setting post.  The gist is to set a big goal, now devise a path on how to get there.  Set small mile-stone markers to reach for along the way.  Have accountability partners to keep you in check and focused.  Get a mentor to help you.  There are so many things that can help you achieve what you once thought impossible.  But it starts with you.  Set a big, gigantic, terrifying goal.  Do it now!  I'll wait...NOW GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND GO GET IT!!!  Seriously, it will make life so much better.  Not easier.  But better.

3) The Golden Rule

We all know it, we just may not know much about it.  It's "treat others the way you want to be treated".  Or, the way it was originally said "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you"...by the most influential person to ever walk the earth.  Jesus.  It was an active command.  Go and do.  He tells us that because he knows something that we all know internally, just maybe not consciously.  He knew that the only thing that evil needs for success, is that good people do nothing (paraphrase of Edmund Burke).  Go out of your way to be kind.  It may not return right away, or ever.  But over time, when you feel down you'll start to automatically do kind things and you'll start to feel better because you are bringing good to the world.  And think about this, if we are all out there intentionally doing good things for others for the sake of doing good things, how much bad would there really be?  The other part of this is to think about how you react to people wen they're mean.  When someone cuts you off in traffic, rather than be angry, think about why they might be in such a hurry.  What has made you be in a hurry?  Sick kid?  Late to work?  Just a rough morning?  See the mom in the store that seems like she "can't control her kids"?  How about asking if she needs a hand and a calm voice and smile and watch her melt with relief...seriously, I've done it.  There's no better feeling than knowing you just helped another human being for the sake of doing something good.  You'll never know the true content of your character until you do something for someone who cannot pay you back, and you truly expect nothing in return.

There are many things you can do in your daily life to make it better.  Disciplines that make you smarter, stronger, healthier.  But these 3 things really will make an impact in you life in very short order as well as having the added bonus of making an amazing impact in the world around you.  Seriously.  Yeah, I know.  That's like the 10th time I've said that.  Look at the title of the blog.  Again, more internet funny.  But, seriously.  Seriously.