I spent most of my adolescences as an athlete. A good one. Not a great one. But, a good one. I was a national level Judoka. I was an State Championship placer in 5A High School Wrestling. I was a decent football player. Although I had some "natural" athletic ability, most of what I was good at was because I worked very hard both on the mat/field and in the weight room.
I was fortunate enough to be granted a spot on the University of Northern Colorado wrestling team when I left for college in August of 2000, but I had to work hard for that too. And that's where it all spun out of control.
Although I was a good athlete and a good student, life at home was...well...not good. It was violent. Abusive. And in-turn it made me a generally awkward kid that got bullied a lot in spite of being a strong, well accomplished athlete. Depression was a real thing. College made it worse. I nearly failed my entire first semester of college. My family fell apart while I was in the middle of my first semester. 6 weeks into being a college wrestler (the only thing keeping me sane), I got injured. I was done as a collegiate athlete. No athletics, rough home life, no friends to lift me up while I was 50 miles away from a home I didn't want to go to anyway. I was done. I made the "freshman 15" look silly. I gained 75 lbs. in 8 months. I wallowed in my misery. I hated life. I wanted to die.
I tried to get back in shape a dozen times over the next 6 years only to fail because it was just "too hard". Working out and eating well had always been easy, until now. I carried too many other burdens on my shoulders, working out and eating right was just too hard...so I thought.
Fast forward to 2007. I have finally finished my double degree (not double major, double degree, it sucks more but I was glutton for punishment) and I got a job using my degree managing a local fitness center in Eaton, CO. It didn't take long for me to realize, I needed to apply what I knew or face the fact that I'm a hypocrite. So I set out on a journey. I was 255lbs and 34% body fat. I trained for a Sprint Triathlon. I lost 40lbs over about 6 months. I hated it. I hate running. I made myself do it.
I kept telling myself I was a liar if I didn't do this. So I kept going. I kept pushing. Then life and depression got a hold of me again. I gained 20 lbs. back. I restarted. My wife and I decided to run a half marathon. I lost 30 lbs. Life hits again. I gained 10 lbs. back. Then I found MMA. The place where wrestlers go to "go pro". I busted my butt and chose to fight at 185 lbs...a weight I hadn't seen since 2000...this is now 2011. After the fight I jumped right back to 205 lbs (I did win by the way, check it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm0WfblLL-A). I was following Men's Health and Muscle and Fitness type diets that had me yo-yoing and not finding any real happiness with myself as an athlete or as a man.
Then it happened. I found "it". CrossFit. I really felt like an athlete again. It kicked my butt and I wanted more. The diet was easy. Eat what you want as long as it's real food, not processed junk. I was sold. I couldn't be happier. I hover between 195-205. I'm ok with that. I look good. I feel GREAT! I've started competing again. I am now going to chase the elites in the Spartan Race.
I have learned many lessons in my adult fitness journey that spans 15 years. The biggest of which is this: the claims that you can look like a fitness model in just 12 weeks is absolute GARBAGE!!! I did the P-90X program to a "T". It didn't even come close. You body only BEGINS making physiological change at the 12 week mark and only if you're consistent. Your fitness is a life choice, not a 90 day challenge. Can a short term challenge get you started, yes. But if you want real, sustainable results, be prepared for an up and down journey. The thing CrossFit and now Obstacle Racing has taught me, get some folks around you who will go through this journey with you, it makes it better!
The whole working out and eating right thing is hard...until you realize you're worth it.
Then...oh then...it's the best thing you'll do.
The whole working out and eating right thing is hard...until you realize you're worth it.
Then...oh then...it's the best thing you'll do.
The top 2 pics are me now, as of this afternoon, 12/7/15. The shots below that are me in 2007.
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