Monday, December 7, 2015 MY Story...

We ALL have a story.  Stories fuel us.  It's why music changes our mood so quickly.  It's why movies and T.V. shows inspire us.  We ALL have a story.  Even those of us that are becoming or have become leaders.  Even me. MY story (a short version anyway).

I spent most of my adolescences as an athlete.  A good one.  Not a great one.  But, a good one.  I was a national level Judoka.  I was an State Championship placer in 5A High School Wrestling.  I was a decent football player.  Although I had some "natural" athletic ability, most of what I was good at was because I worked very hard both on the mat/field and in the weight room.

I was fortunate enough to be granted a spot on the University of Northern Colorado wrestling team when I left for college in August of 2000, but I had to work hard for that too.  And that's where it all spun out of control.

Although I was a good athlete and a good student, life at home was...well...not good.  It was violent.  Abusive. And in-turn it made me a generally awkward kid that got bullied a lot in spite of being a strong, well accomplished athlete.  Depression was a real thing.  College made it worse.  I nearly failed my entire first semester of college.  My family fell apart while I was in the middle of my first semester.  6 weeks into being a college wrestler (the only thing keeping me sane), I got injured.  I was done as a collegiate athlete.  No athletics, rough home life, no friends to lift me up while I was 50 miles away from a home I didn't want to go to anyway.  I was done.  I made the "freshman 15" look silly.  I gained 75 lbs. in 8 months.  I wallowed in my misery.  I hated life.  I wanted to die.

I tried to get back in shape a dozen times over the next 6 years only to fail because it was just "too hard".  Working out and eating well had always been easy, until now.  I carried too many other burdens on my shoulders, working out and eating right was just too I thought.

Fast forward to 2007.  I have finally finished my double degree (not double major, double degree, it sucks more but I was glutton for punishment) and I got a job using my degree managing a local fitness center in Eaton, CO.  It didn't take long for me to realize, I needed to apply what I knew or face the fact that I'm a hypocrite.  So I set out on a journey.  I was 255lbs and 34% body fat.  I trained for a Sprint Triathlon.  I lost 40lbs over about 6 months.  I hated it.  I hate running.  I made myself do it.

I kept telling myself I was a liar if I didn't do this.  So I kept going.  I kept pushing.  Then life and depression got a hold of me again.  I gained 20 lbs. back.  I restarted.  My wife and I decided to run a half marathon.  I lost 30 lbs.  Life hits again.  I gained 10 lbs. back.  Then I found MMA.  The place where wrestlers go to "go pro".  I busted my butt and chose to fight at 185 lbs...a weight I hadn't seen since 2000...this is now 2011.  After the fight I jumped right back to 205 lbs (I did win by the way, check it here:  I was following Men's Health and Muscle and Fitness type diets that had me yo-yoing and not finding any real happiness with myself as an athlete or as a man.

Then it happened.  I found "it".  CrossFit.  I really felt like an athlete again.  It kicked my butt and I wanted more.  The diet was easy.  Eat what you want as long as it's real food, not processed junk.  I was sold.  I couldn't be happier.  I hover between 195-205.  I'm ok with that.  I look good.  I feel GREAT!  I've started competing again.  I am now going to chase the elites in the Spartan Race.

I have learned many lessons in my adult fitness journey that spans 15 years.  The biggest of which is this:  the claims that you can look like a fitness model in just 12 weeks is absolute GARBAGE!!!  I did the P-90X program to a "T".  It didn't even come close.  You body only BEGINS making physiological change at the 12 week mark and only if you're consistent.  Your fitness is a life choice, not a 90 day challenge.  Can a short term challenge get you started, yes.  But if you want real, sustainable results, be prepared for an up and down journey.  The thing CrossFit and now Obstacle Racing has taught me, get some folks around you who will go through this journey with you, it makes it better!

The whole working out and eating right thing is hard...until you realize you're worth it.

Then...oh's the best thing you'll do.

The top 2 pics are me now, as of this afternoon, 12/7/15.  The shots below that are me in 2007.

Ready to start your journey?  I'd love to be your coach!  Click here and sign up for a free week.



Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Top 3 things You can do to change your life...Seriously.

Everyone loves a list.  For whatever reason we see an article like this and we just can't help ourselves.  This isn't a bait and switch and I'm not peddling anything here.  These are the three things that I see in everyday life that if we all did them, life would be exponentially better.  They are...

2) Set goals...and actually chase them
3) The Golden Rule

Now, let me give you a break down of what I mean by each one.


This one is pretty self explanatory.  There are a lot of folks out there right now saying that sitting is the new smoking (and I don't disagree), but I think this is worse.  Liquid sugars like this in these crazy high doses are straight up lethal.  Seriously.  It is slowly killing millions of Americans everyday.  We know now, for a fact, that fat does not make you fat.  Sugar, especially in such high doses, makes you fat.  Clogs your arteries.  Makes your brain function worse.  We are seeing studies now that are looking at high sugar intake and diabetes and their link to Alzheimer's and Dementia.  Meaning all the added and excess sugar we are eating is causing one of the most cruel diseases know to man.  What's scary is that many of these studies are pointing to the fact that this link is more than just a really is causal, not just correlative.  That means that it's not just coincidence that people who eat high levels of added sugar have Alzheimer's and Dementia, it's actually the high dose sugar that is causing it.  This isn't just soda.  It's all the sugary coffees, energy drinks, "sports" drinks, juices (yeah, they really are not as "healthy"  for you and your kids as they say they are), pastries, candies, etc. that we seemingly cannot keep ourselves from consuming.  The processed food industry adds sugar to nearly everything now.  If it tastes sweeter, you'll eat it more often and they know it.  Liquid sugars like soda are the biggest culprit, and the beverage companies are now lobbying the government to protect their product from studies that say so.  Soda companies know that their product is addictive.  We have studies that show high dose sugar is as addictive as cocaine.  They know this.  They don't care, they want you to keep drinking because they want to stay in business and keep making record profit, even if it kills a few million people in the process.  You want to shed a few pounds?  Have more energy?  Think clearer?  Feel less stressed?  Get all the added sugar out of your diet.  Quit drinking soda (this includes the diet stuff too..but that's a discussion for another post), energy drinks, sugary coffees, and quit eating your kids left over Halloween candy (in fact, throw that crap away).  For the first 10-14 days you'll have an addict would have.  You'll feel sluggish, irritable, hungry.  But after that you'll be in the clear and you'll feel the rebound.  Try it.  I dare you.  I bet you lose 5 lbs. the first week.

2) Set goals...and actually chase after them.

Again, pretty self explanatory.  But I'm talking out of your comfort zone, seems impossible, but you would almost die to have it goals.  Goals so big they scare the crap out of you.  Take a second.  What is it for you?  I bet you knew as soon as you read it up top.  Do it.  The chase is what makes life worth living on the days when you want to curl up and hide from the world.  But there is a process, you can see some great advice on how to do it in my previous Goal Setting post.  The gist is to set a big goal, now devise a path on how to get there.  Set small mile-stone markers to reach for along the way.  Have accountability partners to keep you in check and focused.  Get a mentor to help you.  There are so many things that can help you achieve what you once thought impossible.  But it starts with you.  Set a big, gigantic, terrifying goal.  Do it now!  I'll wait...NOW GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND GO GET IT!!!  Seriously, it will make life so much better.  Not easier.  But better.

3) The Golden Rule

We all know it, we just may not know much about it.  It's "treat others the way you want to be treated".  Or, the way it was originally said "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you" the most influential person to ever walk the earth.  Jesus.  It was an active command.  Go and do.  He tells us that because he knows something that we all know internally, just maybe not consciously.  He knew that the only thing that evil needs for success, is that good people do nothing (paraphrase of Edmund Burke).  Go out of your way to be kind.  It may not return right away, or ever.  But over time, when you feel down you'll start to automatically do kind things and you'll start to feel better because you are bringing good to the world.  And think about this, if we are all out there intentionally doing good things for others for the sake of doing good things, how much bad would there really be?  The other part of this is to think about how you react to people wen they're mean.  When someone cuts you off in traffic, rather than be angry, think about why they might be in such a hurry.  What has made you be in a hurry?  Sick kid?  Late to work?  Just a rough morning?  See the mom in the store that seems like she "can't control her kids"?  How about asking if she needs a hand and a calm voice and smile and watch her melt with relief...seriously, I've done it.  There's no better feeling than knowing you just helped another human being for the sake of doing something good.  You'll never know the true content of your character until you do something for someone who cannot pay you back, and you truly expect nothing in return.

There are many things you can do in your daily life to make it better.  Disciplines that make you smarter, stronger, healthier.  But these 3 things really will make an impact in you life in very short order as well as having the added bonus of making an amazing impact in the world around you.  Seriously.  Yeah, I know.  That's like the 10th time I've said that.  Look at the title of the blog.  Again, more internet funny.  But, seriously.  Seriously.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Endurance...Why You Haz None

Endurance.  The seemingly ultimate holy grail of fitness.  Year after year the men and women who compete in IronMan distance triathlons are dubbed the fittest people on the planet.  We seem to think that if we just had more endurance we could be fitter, skinnier, happier.

You couldn't be wronger.

Yeah.  That's right.  WRONGER.  I used poor grammar on the internet.  It's funny.  And I'm right.  I'm about to tell you why, but I'm also about to tell you how you can indeed pursue more endurance and achieve it, at least to a small degree.

First endurance can be had thru training, but like anything repetitive it must be periodized (ooooo fancy training words).  What that means is you have to build or follow a program that builds, then rests then builds in cycles.  Usually in 12 week chunks with 3, 4 week intervals where you build hard for 3 weeks and every 4th week taper the training a bit to allow for recovery but still training within the confines of specific gains in mind.

There in lies the reason why you haz none (see, more silly internet speak, aren't I cleaver).  Most of us lack the focus and patience to actually stick thru a 12 week program.  In our instant-gratification society 12 weeks is an eternity.  We want it in 2 weeks, tops.  Unfortunately that is paradoxically impossible.  Endurance by definition entails long bouts of facing the same movement for long periods of time both in each session and over a long trining cycle.  Be it running, swimming, rowing, climbing, education, a trying season in life, a bout with cancer...endurance is about the long haul and whether or not you have something that can get you through it.

That something is called tenacity.

Tenacity is the ability to see something thru in spite of hardships.  Let's face it; running for long periods of time get boring, even if you enjoy it.  Tenacity comes in when you continue even when you are bored, frustrated, and stuck.  It's being persistent and determined thru an entire training program no matter how much you hate it or how ineffective you might think it is.  The fact is you won't truly know its effectiveness until you make it thru the entire program.

That said, the whole truth about gaining long lasting endurance lies not in endurance training itself, but in a holistic training program that develops all of your body's energy systems so it can use all of it's metabolic pathways efficiently so that endurance doesn't come in until the end where your mind can push your body thru the hard part.

Doing long steady bouts help to be sure i.e. running a 10k.  But now take that same 10k and break it into 10, 1k sprints with a 1:1 run to rest ratio or make it tough and go 2:1 or 3:1.  But endurance goes beyond even that.  You MUST be on a sound strength program.  And I'm not talking about lifting 5lb. dumbbells 100 times.  I'm talking real, measurable in lift heavy things.  As heavy as your body, or more.  Being strong is essential to having lasting endurance and that is the issue with most endurance training programs, they just plain ignore and even scoff at true strength.  This is why most, not all, but most people who chase ultra distance events can't sustain them for years on end at a high level, they last a couple of years and their body begins to break down.  Knees, hips, ankles, back, shoulders.  "Runners" are the most injured training group in athletics and it's because their musculature lacks the ability to continue to hold them together.  This is also why you can't call triathletes the fittest on the planet.  Yeah they have endurance, but they have no other real fitness ability that would measured at even average for their age.  The other reason for the heavy lifting is the real place where endurance lives, the mind.

The body can do just about anything the mind tells it.  While a long run, marathon, 50 miler, 100 miler, etc. will test you mentally and in many cases you push through, attempting to back squat your body weight is an entirely different mental endeavor.  One that can give you the push in a long run once you have flexed and trained that mental muscle and your "endurance" muscle is all flexed out because your body is breaking down.  Running long distances can be nice and at times will make you fell accomplished, but world-renowned strength coach Mark Rippetoe once said "Strong people are harder to kill and more useful in general".  Do you want to feel accomplished, or do want to be able to have endurance in the long haul and still be useful in other places in life?

There are many other things at play when talking about gaining endurance.  Physiological limits in capacity, specific plateau breaking training methods, and even nutrition (I recommend a 50%-25%-25% balance of carbs-proteins-fats for endurance athletes).  A great place to start is to check out a book by Brain McKenzie and T.J. Murphy called Unbreakable Runner (again, I'm not getting paid for that, I just like it) to get started on the right path.  Or, you could do what you do when your car breaks down and hire a mechanic, a.k.a. a trainer (total shameless plug).

To put a nice little bow on all this pageantry; to gain more endurance, stop running so many miles!  Have some long runs, work in long workouts based on a bunch of short bursts and for the love of life, lift some heavy freakin' weights!  Deuces!

Monday, September 28, 2015

The Best Supplements on the Planet

Okay.  I finally caved.  I am going to talk about what everyone wants me to talk about (if you know me, you know I hate doing what everyone wants).  I am going to tell you what I think are the best supplements are for any category.  Yes, websites like have ratings for this and give away consumer voted awards for it every year.  But these are all based on user experience and have no science to back up why any of these brands make the best stuff or which product is actually better than another.  That's where I come in.  And without further ado, the best supplements on the planet are...


That's right.  Food.  Nope, not the stuff you bought at GNC that "guarantees" you'll gain 100lbs of muscle and look like a fitness model in just 6 weeks.

Sorry, the $60 fat burner that guy just sold you has nothing on good ol' fashioned food.

What's that?  But Herbalife/Shakeology/ViSalus/AdvoCare changed your life?  Nope.  Sorry.  Still bullcrap.  The product didn't change your metabolism.

The cleanse you just did.  The wrap thing you just's all smoke and mirrors.  I know.  I can prove it.  I have proven it.  Over and over, to client after client.  The product you use makes basically no difference what-so-ever.  What matters is this:  when you use those products it (for the most part) makes you stick to a regimented eating plan that is typically weighed and measured amounts

So why is the supplement industry a $37 billion dollar a year industry?  Is there science behind what they do?  What about all the "results"?

The answers to those questions are as follows: Marketing.  Yes.  They speak volumes to making sure you buy the product (see: Marketing).  90% of what these companies care about is sales.  To accomplish this they only show you success stories.  They don't show you the 99.9% of people who use the product under the pretense that if they just use it their fitness/wellness/happiness with their body image will change yet it never happens.

Why?  Because the human body needs food.  The right amount of the right kinds.  Your body needs carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water to function on a daily basis.  That's it.  It gets all of those things from real food.  Not from the $90 tub of powder at the local supplement warehouse, although it may contain some if not most of those things, your body still needs food.  Real, actual food.  In the right ratios, meaning portion control and in many instances meal planning will be essential to accomplishing that (dang!  And you were hoping you could just wing it).

Alright, this is starting to feel like a bit of a bait and switch.  So which supplements really are the best on the planet?  The ones that get you to stick to a program where you eat food and SUPPLEMENT you diet with the products.  That's why they're called SUPPLEMENTS.  As in "in addition to" or "in aid of"  not "in place of" food.  Also, supplements are usually used best in conjunction with others, aka, stacks.  Stacks are not one size fits all and the best way to figure out your best stack is to work with a knowledgeable, reputable trainer, dietitian, or nutritionist (shameless self plug) to get on the right track.

Still want to build a supplement stack?  At CrossFit Crossroads we use Driven Nutrition ( products as well as a few others we have found work well with most people.  Work with one of our degreed and certified coaches to build your stack and we can save you a few dollars instead of buying retail.  We can also help you with that whole "meal plan" thing I was saying might have some importance.  Head to our Coach's Page to contact a coach and get started today.  Mention the blog and get your initial consult for free.  Mic drop.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Finding your happiness

What will it take for you to be happy?  Hitting your goal weight?  A new PR in the gym?  A latte?  A beer?

Maybe your looks a little different.  That new job, a new house, a dream car, or maybe it's that one absolute babe you have been dying to go out on a date with.

No matter what you think it might be, I have a challenge for you.  Dig deep.  Real deep.  Soul search.  Now begin to answer that question with some real honesty.  Focus on the answer and really, truly accept what it is.  Own it.  Write it down.  Now figure out how you are going to get there.

You can't get what you want until you know what you want (I think I heard that in a song...yep just googled it, it's a Joe Jackson I've heard a lot of odd music in my life).  You have to be honest with yourself about what you want.  You have to be able to picture it and then be able to chase it with real, deep, heartfelt honesty.  It will be, perhaps, the first time in a long time (or maybe your whole life) that you have been the brutally honest with yourself and it will scare you.  The thing itself will frighten you because you weren't sure you had it in you.  Then you'll look at the journey ahead and think "there's no way I can get there".  Really?  Is that all you think of yourself?  Do really find yourself that incapable?

I'm here to tell you that you are (to quote Marianne Williamson) powerful beyond measure.  Check out this piece of amazing word fuel:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." (A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles", Ch. 7, Section 3 (1992), p. 190.)

Why fear your power?  Your power to create and effect change. Your power to empower others.

Now, focus again.  What do you, in the deepest corner of your heart, want more than anything?  Where is your happiness?  Now focus all you are, all of your power, on it and GO GET IT!  When you do (and you should do it now)  you may be the reason someone else chases their happiness or maybe even the reason the world changes.

Are you going to accept status quo, or will you be an awe-inspiring, world changing happiness chaser?  You have the power, use it.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Brandon's Nutrition Formula

I get asked often "What should I be eating?" Or, "What diet is the best?"  The simple answer to the second is, the one you'll stick to, forever.  Not just for a few weeks or months, but one you can make into a lifestyle.  As for what should you be eating?  Well, here is my recommendation after 10 years of tinkering to find what's simple and effective.  I call it The PaleoFlexZone.

The Paleo Diet

This is arguably...ok no argument, this is THE best tool for teaching you what foods to eat.  The Paleo Diet is restricted to eating veggies, meats, nuts and seeds and fruits.  That's it.  No grains.  No beans (that means peanuts too).  No dairy (milk products).  No artificial (or "natural" labeled) anything.  This is, without question, the best way to teach your body to eat whole, real food basically all the time.  If you find yourself constantly eating from boxes and bags, start here for a while.  It'll learn ya real fast.  It isn't easy, but it is simple and effective.  The draw back here is the totalitarian restrictiveness of this method.  It becomes excessively difficult to stay on point as you try and eat with and around other people.

The Flex Diet (a.k.a. If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM))

The advantage of the Flex Diet is that it leverages the fact that humans are omnivores and can make energy out of anything we eat.  It tells us that as long as your are hitting your calorie count via making it to your macro-nutrient goals you can control your...wait for it...GAAIIINNNZZZZ!  (I just threw up in my mouth a little).  Meaning your can control your fat loss, muscle growth, and overall performance buy setting specific goals in grams per day of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and hitting them exact (or as near as possible with out going over) each day.  I hate how bro-sciencey it sounds, but it's backed by actual science and it works without question.  The draw back is that the only restriction it has is caloric.  Although Flex Diet "recommends" eating a clean, healthy diet, many folks who eat this way eat poor quality food because it fits their macros.

The Zone Diet

The Zone Diet has been around since the 1970's.  The whole premise is balance.  Many diets are so carbohydrate biased that getting all of the essential macro and micro nutrients is difficult.  The Zone hands us a macro-nutrient balance of 40-30-30.  40% of your calories come from carbs, 30% from proteins, and 30% from fats.  This is very effective and makes it more possible to get all or most of your carbohydrate calories from vegetables.  This also makes it a great partner for the Paleo diet.  The problem with this diet is the way Dr. Sears set up the "blocks".  Blocks are used to get people to eat good and correct amounts of each macro-nutrient, but the calculations are flawed and out of date.  It also has odd restrictions on it's recommendations of "good" carbs and "bad" carbs.

The PaleoFlexZone

I am a proponent of balance.  Ebbs and flows that allow life to happen well and leave us feeling better than we did the day before.  The combination of these 3 diets gives us, in my estimation, the best balance for how to eat.  Start with the Paleo diet, learn quality foods.  Move to the Zone and learn how to portion those foods.  Add the Flex Diet in to zero in on the absolute numbers to be in real control over the calories going into your body.  The Flex Diet usually sets calories off of 50-55% of calories from carbohydrates on active days, and drops them on inactive days.  The PaleoFlex Zone is this: 1) The bulk of your diet should be as strict Paleo as you can tolerate. 2) Use the 40-30-30 Zone balance with total daily calories based off of .7-1.0 grams of protein per pound you weigh. 3) Use the Flex Diet to track those numbers as a whole, as well as allowing yourself to eat not-paleo when it is difficult to do so or when you're in a social setting (see my blog from August 24th about this).  This means looking at an egg as fats and proteins, not just proteins or milk as carbs, proteins, and fats or oatmeal as carbs and proteins, or...well you get the picture.  It also means allowing yourself to have a meal or snack here or there that is totally not paleo, but you're ok with that.  MyFitnessPal (no affiliation here, it's just what I use to help me, they are not paying me... although, I wish they would) is a great mobile app to help you set your calories and macro balance and then track it very closely.

Doing this takes discipline.  This is simple, but it is not easy at first.  You will struggle with willpower.  You will want to quit.  You will want to skip logging that fun size snickers you just ate, or that handful of skittles, or that "Sugar-Free/Low-Calorie" mocha-choca-bull-crap you just drank.  Tough.  Do it.  Make yourself aware of where your calories are coming from.  Buy a food scale.  Weigh and measure everything that goes in your mouth.

If you want to make a change you have to be willing to do something you have never done before.  You want to lose weight?  Guess what?  You gotta track your food intake (a.k.a. diet) and get your butt off the couch.  You want to learn to play guitar (a personal goal of mine)?  Guess what?  You have to buy a guitar and start learning and practicing.  None of this stuff is easy, but it works and it's worth it.

You should do it because you're worth it.  You are worth more than the handbag you couldn't afford in the first place.  You are worth more than the 8 hour Netflix binge in which you just indulged.  You are worth more than you think.  Are you willing to stop treating your body like a dumpster and more like the high performance machine that it was designed to be on the first place?  Time to dust off the work ethic and get going.

Need help?  Head to (link is to our coaches page) and contact one of our coaches to get started on a PaleoFlexZone Plan and begin learning how valuable your health really is.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Some simple but painful Truth about Diet

Diet.  THE four letter word.  It doesn't matter if you're in the fitness industry, the medical field, food industry, or just a normal everyday Joe or Jane trying to live life.  It seems that diet has become the thing that will make or break your fitness goals and your long term heath.  What's worse is there are so many "diets" out there and there is no real definitive answer on what you should put in your face on a daily basis.  How do you know which one is right for you?  Is there one that is better than another?  Is there a "best" diet out there?  I'm going to give you my 2 cents.  Some of you will like it.  Many of you won't.  I don't really care, I just want people to know the truth...well, a few truths anyway.  Here'goes.

#1 - There is NO "best" diet.  I am a Paleo Diet advocate but I am not a strict paleo follower.  Vegetarians think they have it.  So do Vegans.  None of us are right.  Neither is Atkins, SlimGenics, or the Zone.  For every example you give of why this diet is the best I can give a counter argument that totally deflates your theory.  Do you know why?  Humans are omnivores.  We can eat just about anything and convert it into usable energy (i.e. Cheetos...although calling it food is a stretch).  Some systems are adapted for eating mostly meat, others mostly plants, still others mostly grains.  Overall though, humans NEED a balance of all of it.  "But Brandon, I read this thing once in this magazine that is totally true."  Are you sure about that?  Or are you accepting it as truth because you read it in PaleoVeganGenetics Magazine and it's a "totally legit mag."  Nope sorry folks.  None of us are right.  But all of us are.  The human body is meant to preform, eat so that you perform well, whatever that means for you and stop judging people who don't eat the same as you.

#2 - Moderation is the key, and a trick.  We've all heard the refrain; "everything in moderation."  There is some truth to that.  Your should intake calories in moderation.  You should workout in moderation.  Anything you do to an extreme level can be detrimental to your overall well being.  One of my favorite quotes that helps this idea make sense is "When good things become ultimate things, ultimately good things become destructive things." (Scott Nickle, Teaching Pastor at Flatirons Church).  There in lies the problem.  Even moderation can be a bad thing.  Food is social for humans.  Going out for drinks with friends every once in a while is ok and even healthy for your overall well being and stress levels.  Drinking every night is a bad idea.  But what about cocaine?  Is cocaine in moderation a good thing?  (If you didn't answer that with a resounding "NO!" then we need to have a chat about your decision making privileges).  Yet, this is what marketing folks would have you believe about products that are not good things.  This is what soda companies spend millions of dollars on each year.  Lobbying the government to stay at bay all while convincing the public that the poison they peddle is moderation.  What they don't tell you is that their product is in intentionally highly addictive so your idea of moderation is always expanding.  Moderation is a good thing.  But it is not an ultimate thing or it can easily be a destructive thing.  You still have to use your decision making abilities to decide if this thing should be a part of your diet (or life for that  matter) or not.

#3 - There are things all fitness professionals (for the most part) agree on.  Veggies are good for you.  Fruit is good for you.  Nuts and seeds are good for you.  Lean meat is good for you.  Basically the idea here is to eat food.  Real food.  Not "food".  "Food" is anything that was once actual food and then processed and boxed to make it convenient, portable, and taste "good".  There it is again.  What do you mean "good"?  Real food tastes good on it's own.  It does not need chemical enhancers, artificial or natural flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives to "enhance" (ok, I'll really try and stop that) the flavor.  It's all marketing gimmicks to get you to buy their stuff that cost them 20 cents to make so they can sell it to you at $1.50 and you think you're getting a good deal.  Eat food.  Real food.  Not "food".

#4 - "Cheat Days" are bull crap.  There, I said it.  The idea that if you eat really, really strict you can take an entire day and eat whatever you want as a reward.  I have a few issues with this.  First, food is fuel.  Eat food that fuels your body well and it will reward you for it.  Second, food is social.  Eat really well all the time, even when you're in a social situation.  Use good judgement and indulge in treats and drinks on occasion (no, not every occasion is a special occasion to indulge).  If you can't have one drink with your friend because they just got married/had a baby/got a big promotion all because it's not your cheat day, you're not disciplined, you're a jerk.  Part of having a healthy life is having healthy relationships.  Being a jerk is detrimental to healthy relationships.  Third, you are not a pet, quit rewarding yourself with food for doing a good job.  Food is fuel.  Eat well all the time, celebrate with friends and family when the occasion calls for it and then return to eating well right away.  As in have 1 beer, not 6.  Have 1 piece of cake not 3 and a 4 scoops of ice cream.  Have 1, then step right back to fueling your body.

#5 - This is how I do it.  I eat lean meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. I try to keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.  I do this as well as I can.  I am busy.  I am married, I have 2 kids and a 3rd on the way.  I run a gym full time and I am a Youth Pastor for Crossroads Church in Northglenn.  I get up early enough to make breakfast.  I bring snacks with me.  If I can't bring them I stop at a grocery store and buy food not "food".  It's usually the same cost or cheaper in the long run and I feel and function better.  I eat a good mid-day meal.  I eat a hearty dinner.  We cannot afford to eat out so we buy groceries and eat them.  Once you do the math, it is cheaper per meal by about half when you buy and cook your own food.  How?  Well for example you don't need an 11 once steak with fries and a salad (which will run you about $20 at a steakhouse).  For a family of 4 I can buy steak, do baked potatoes, and a salad for $20-$25.  You spent $20/person.  I spent $6/person.  What about fast food?  When we head to Goodtimes (our favorite place when we eat on the go, yes it does happen) it costs about $27 for the 4 of us to eat because my kids are young.  For that same $27 I can go to a grocery store and buy veggies, fruit, nuts, and some pre-cooked chicken and probably have food for snack later.  It just means I have to get out of the car.  You waited in line for 10 minutes, it took me 11 in the store and I got out and walked AND I got fresher, healthier food.

Ok, I went on a bit of a tirade there.  I'll wrap it up.  Maybe for the next blog I'll actually show you what it costs to eat well, the time involved, and do a comparo.  Guess you'll have to tune in to find out.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Yesterday you said tomorrow (how to set goals and get going)

"I'll start tomorrow."  Ahhh, the oft heard refrain of the serial procrastinator.  Don't get me wrong, I do it to all sorts of things.  "I'll mow the lawn tomorrow."  "I'll send that email tomorrow." My goodness, tomorrow is the magic land of productivity where all things are done and  the world is perfect.

The unfortunate part of this approach is that almost none of the tomorrowland things are actually accomplished and instead end up collecting dust in the basement (hello $400 treadmill from 10 years ago) or cost us big when we don't actually complete them.  There are so many things we need to and want to accomplish, how do we stay focused on actually getting them done?  Now, I'm talking about real things.  Not "I want to watch all 9 seasons of How I met Your Mother in a binge session on Netflix" things, but things that will actually make use of your time not just waste it.  Don't get me wrong, the marathon show binge or game conquest can be therapeutic in a way that helps us rest and interact with society, but really it mostly gives an excuse to be la, wait for it, zy.  LAZY (see what I did there).

That's right, I called us lazy.  We have the ability to do so much more with the time we have been given, we just have choose to do use it.  There it is again.  Choices.  So without any further ado...the 3 things you can do to set goals and keep them.

1) Set your goal and the break it down into specific skills
2) Break those skill down into daily practices
3) Avoid your couch like the plague and stay focused.

#3 is pretty self explanatory, but here is a little infographic that I thought I would share from a group called Precision Nutrition.

Good support is all about being surrounded by people who want to see you succeed and will give the encouragement and accountability you need to keep going.  Good Support also comes from degreed and certified professionals who are respected in the field and can help you identify potential obstacles, even when you don't want to hear it.

Now, go set some goals, get off your butt and get moving!  By the way, if you are interested in fitness or nutrition coaching, mention this blog and get a free 1 on 1 session with one of our degreed and certified coaches to get you started. Go to to get started.  We believe that life is about choices.  Make sure you choose the best.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Getting good info to the masses

The internets.  The frontier of digital endlessness.  A place for info, entertainment and things good and bad.  Our hope with this blog is to fill it with good.  Coach Z (Brandon Zapien) and I (Brandon Garcia a.k.a. Coach B)  along with my co-owner and beautiful, awesome wife Marka will be attempting to fill this blog with all kinds of good things.  Advice, opinions, helpful tips, and sometimes just soapboxes that we enjoy standing on and shouting from to anyone who cares to listen.  Our hope is to inspire folks to get off the couch and start chasing their dreams.  Chase after better health.  Better money management.  Better relationships.  Better....well, you get the picture.  This is the first post of many to come (we hope) and all in an effort to support what we (Marka and I) wanted to do all along; give people the chance and the tools to create an excellent life.  I hope you'll follow along, play nice (when comments are allowed) and enjoy the ride that life has to offer, for worse or (hopefully a lot more) better.  CrossFit Crossroads was created and named because we believe life is about choices.  Every time you make a choice you head down a road (hence crossroads).  The question is always, "did I choose the right one?"  With any any luck, what we provide in the pages to follow will help guide you toward answering that question with at the very least "I think so" but hopefully with a resounding "Yes!"  Here's to trying to inspire more folks to live excellent lives!  Get off the couch and start chasing your dreams, we are!

Galatians 6:9 - So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.

Coach B